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Tag: Install efficient appliances

Community Change Grants Program

Grants to community-based organizations in historically disadvantaged communities to promote environmental and climate justice.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities (Renew America’s Schools)

Funding to upgrade school and bus infrastructure.

Weatherization Assistance Program 

Pennsylvania’s Weatherization Assistance Program increases energy efficiency in homes by reducing energy costs and increasing comfort while safeguarding health and safety.

Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program (HEAR) 

Rebates on electrification projects in your home.

Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit 

Tax credit for window, door, heating improvements.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program

Designed to help in the implementation of strategies to reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions while improving energy efficiency.

Energy Improvement in Rural or Remote Areas

Grants for rural clean energy programs.

Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) 

HUD will pay landlords to make climate-friendly upgrades to low-income housing.