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The Appalachian Regional Commission uses these funds to invest in the Region’s economic and community development through grants.

What does this funding get me?

Funds vary per year depending on availability. In Fiscal Year 2021, Congress appropriated $180 million for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC).

Am I eligible?

ARC awards program grants to state and local agencies and governmental entities, local governing boards, and nonprofit organizations. Tribes and higher education institutions are also eligible for ARC program grants. ARC does not award grants to individuals or for-profit entities.

Most ARC grants require a match. Match rates are based on the economic status designations of counties served by the proposed project.

How can I access the money?

Most of ARC’s grants are awarded via the Area Development Program to invest in projects that align with its strategic investment priorities, with focuses such as workforce ecosystems, tourism, community infrastructure, and building businesses. If you’re interested in applying for an Area Development grant you can find more information here.

All ARC grant applicants must have an active system in SAM, or the System of Award Management

What is the timeline?

Varies depending on the fund you’re applying for.

What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?

More information about available grants through the Appalachian Regional Commission can be found here.

Where can I get more information?