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Funding to improve walkability, safety, and access to public transit.  

What does this funding get me?

This grant funds projects that improve walkability, safety, and affordable transportation access through context-sensitive strategies and address existing transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity or negative impacts on the human or natural environment.

Example projects include: 

  • Improving, retrofitting, or replacing transit facilities 
  • Building or improving complete streets, multi-use trails, greenways, etc. 
  • Reducing noise, greenhouse gas emissions, and/or urban heat islands in disadvantaged communities resulting from transportation 
  • Planning and capacity building in underserved communities (see the DOT website below for a full list of eligible activities) 

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you represent a state government, a local government, a Metropolitan Planning Organization, or a nonprofit organization.

Note that nonprofits must partner with an eligible entity and are limited to grants for planning and capacity-building activities in underserved communities. 

How can I access the money?

Through the Federal Highway Administration (FHA). See their fact sheet here. The FHA also provides support and technical assistance for this and other funding opportunities. Details here

What is the timeline?

Funds are available until September 30, 2026. The first funding opportunity was released in July 2023, with applications due at the end of September 2023. Check back for the next round of funding opportunities. 

This program will provide $3 billion over 5 years, including $135 million for Community Planning Grants, up to $2.5 billion for Capital Construction Funds, and up to $450 million for Regional Partnership Challenge Grants.

What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?

The Department of Transportation is combining this program and the Reconnecting Communities Pilot into one Notice of Funding Opportunity. 

Where can I get more information?

  • Full Information from DOT (Including Eligible Projects)
  • This navigator is a resource to help communities understand the best ways to apply for grants and plan for and deliver transformative infrastructure projects and services.
  • The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) in partnership with the University of Maryland (UMD) Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice and Health (CEEJH), and Environmental Finance Center (EFC), alongside multiple community-based partners will lead the Region 3 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center for the Mid-Atlantic region. The NWF is also extending its Region 3 community presence through community hubs such as the Overbrook Education Center in Pennsylvania. To inquire about Technical Assistance regarding the EJ Communities Grantmaking Program, contact the NWF at (202) 792-5350 or 1-800-757-1405, or email For more information, visit NWF’s website here.  
  • For specific questions on this program or for more assistance, contact Matt Salton at 
  • For application-specific questions, contact Tameka MaconRyan at or Andrew Emanuele at