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Funding to plant and maintain trees and create green spaces in urban communities and neighborhoods in greatest need.

What does this funding get me?

Community engagement in urban forestry planning that creates projects to plant and maintain trees, expand tree canopy, increase access to nature, and mitigate extreme heat, while developing and employing a new skilled workforce. 

Am I eligible?

Community-based organizations, state and local agencies, public colleges and universities, and nonprofits may apply. 100% of benefits will go to communities in greatest need. 

How can I access the money?

There are several sources of grants. Congress allocated $1.5 billion to state agencies.

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’s Urban and Community Forestry Program — formerly known as TreeVitalize:

  • Helps communities plan for, plant, and care for trees
  • Offers educational opportunities about the benefits of trees and the importance of proper planting and tree care.

The USDA has $1.3 million. For more info, email

What is the timeline?

All 2023 funds have been allocated. Requests for applications will be issued in January and July of 2024 and 2025. Grant money must be spent by the end of 2026.   

What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?

EPA’s Community Change Grants Program – apply by Nov 2024 

Urban and Community Forestry Grants – 2023 Grant Awards (2023 grant award winners may support subgrantees. Scroll down to Grant Awards to see which Pennsylvania municipalities have received awards.  Select “National Pass Through Partner Grants” to see a list of organizations that support urban tree-planting projects.)

Where can I get more information?