Technical and financial assistance to help plan and implement authorized watershed projects.
What does this funding get me?
This program of the Department of Agriculture provides technical and financial assistance to help plan and implement authorized watershed projects.
Projects can be for the purpose of:
- Flood Prevention
- Watershed Protection
- Public Recreation
- Public Fish and Wildlife
- Agricultural Water Management
- Municipal and Industrial Water Supply
- Water Quality Management
Am I eligible?
Available to States and local governments.
How can I access the money?
Contact your local USDA Service Center to start your application.
Project criteria:
- Public sponsorship
- Watershed project less than or equal to 250,000 acres
- Agricultural benefits, including rural communities, must be greater than or equal to 20% of the total benefits of the project
You can find more information about local sponsors here.
Project sponsors can initiate a request for assistance through their local National Resources Conservation Service to develop a preliminary feasibility study, which helps communities consider sustainable, climate-resilient solutions to address watershed resource concerns.
What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?
None at this time.
Where can I get more information?
- USDA web page for Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations funding
- For more information, contact your local USDA Service Center.
- The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) in partnership with the University of Maryland (UMD) Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice and Health (CEEJH), and Environmental Finance Center (EFC), alongside multiple community-based partners will lead the Region 3 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center for the Mid-Atlantic region. The NWF is also extending its Region 3 community presence through community hubs such as the Overbrook Education Center in Pennsylvania. To inquire about Technical Assistance regarding the EJ Communities Grantmaking Program, contact the NWF at (202) 792-5350 or 1-800-757-1405, or email For more information, visit NWF’s website here.
- For specific questions on this program or for more assistance, contact Matt Salton at