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This program, formerly known as the High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Act (HEEHRA), gives rebates for electrification projects in your home.

What does this funding get me?

This program gives point-of-sale rebates (which are essentially big discounts) for electrification projects, many of which save consumers money on their electricity bills. Examples include heat pumps (HVAC systems, water heaters, clothes dryers), electric stoves, and upgrades to ventilation and insulation.

Includes a $14,000 cap per household, with a $8,000 cap for heat pump costs,  $1,750 for a heat pump water heater, and $4,000 for panel/service upgrade.

Am I eligible?

If you are a low-income or moderate-income household, you are eligible. Homeowners, renters, and Indigenous households are all eligible under the income qualifications. 

This program covers 100 percent of electrification project costs for low-income households and 50 percent of costs for moderate-income households.

Low-income:  80% of area median income (AMI) and below

Moderate-income: 80 to 150% of AMI

Check here for AMI in your county. Need help? See more resources below. 

How can I access the money?

Guidance on how to access these rebates will come from the PA Department of Environmental Protection. Check back for updates and help applying!

What is the timeline?

The PA Department of Environmental Protection is currently designing the rebate program. We can expect this program to be running by the end of 2024.

What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?

Home Energy Rebates (HER) 

Where can I get more information?